Location: Aotea Quay, Wellington
Completed: 2011
Project Value: $1.8 M
Client: CentrePort Ltd
Removal of obsolete timber fender structure, construction of new concrete fender blocks and installation of proprietary rubber fender system. The new concrete fender blocks were attached to the wharf edge below the deck. The project was undertaken in staged areas to allow the wharf to remain fully operational. The temporary works platforms were designed to slide under the wharf at short notice to allow ships to berth.
A summary of the project scope:
- Working in a commercial environment with shipping constraints
- Temporary work platforms
- Removal of timber fenders
- Construction of concrete fenders blocks
- Working above water
- Maintaining site security
- Strict Health & Safety and Environmental requirements
The construction methodology and temporary works systems developed for this project resulted in an accelerated programme completed in half the original 18-month timeframe.